Exibindo 1 - 20 de 55
Autor(es): Anthony B. Atkinson; Eric Marlier
Separadores: Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English
Autor(es): Barzegar Abbas; Powers Shawn; El Karhili Nagham
Separadores: Communications and Messaging, Report, English
Autor(es): Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Working Group, International Development Partners Group, Nepal
Separadores: Assess, Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Adaptive Management, Conflict Sensitivity, Gender and Social Inclusion, P/CVE and Development, Stakeholder Engagement, Report, English
Autor(es): El Sayed Lilah; Barnes Jamal
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communications and Messaging, Education, Governance, Stakeholder Engagement, Youth Involvement, Report, English
Autor(es): Davey Jacob; Bridwell Jonathan; Skellett Rebecca
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communications and Messaging, Radicalization and Deradicalization, Report, Europe, English
Autor(es): Reed Alastair; Ingram Haroro; Whittaker Joe
Separadores: Communications and Messaging, Policy and Research, Report, Europe, English
Autor(es): National Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Separadores: Policy and Research, P/CVE Strategies, Communications and Messaging, Report, Europe, English
Autor(es): Gielen Amy-Jane
Separadores: Communications and Messaging, Community Engagement, Engaging Family Members and Other Influencers, Policy and Research, Radicalization and Deradicalization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration, Report, English
Autor(es): Zeiger Sara; Aly Anne
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Assessments, Communications and Messaging, Community Engagement, Engaging Family Members and Other Influencers, Psychosocial Support and Trauma Healing, Radicalization and Deradicalization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration, Stakeholder Engagement, Report, English
Autor(es): Qatar International Academy for Security Studies
Separadores: Policy and Research, Communications and Messaging, Report, English
Autor(es): Hedayah; International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague
Separadores: Stakeholder Engagement, Policy and Research, P/CVE Strategies, Communications and Messaging, Report, English
Autor(es): UN Women
Separadores: Stakeholder Engagement, Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, Asia, , Southeast Asia, English
Autor(es): Edited by: Sara Zeiger; Rogelio Alonso; Jose Herrera; Lilah El Sayed
Separadores: Gender and Social Inclusion, Engaging Women, Report, English
Autor(es): Zeiger Sara
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Assessments, Communications and Messaging, Education, Psychosocial Support and Trauma Healing, Radicalization and Deradicalization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration, Youth Involvement, Report, English
Autor(es): The SecDev Foundation
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Stakeholder Engagement, Communications and Messaging, Assessments, Report, English
Autor(es): USAID/Nepal
Separadores: Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English
Separadores: Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English
Autor(es): Theuri Naomi
Separadores: Communications and Messaging, Engaging Women, Gender and Social Inclusion, Policy and Research, Report, English
Autor(es): Emily Myers
Separadores: Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English