Exibindo 1 - 10 de 10
Autor(es): El Sayed Lilah; Barnes Jamal
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communications and Messaging, Education, Governance, Stakeholder Engagement, Youth Involvement, Report, English
Autor(es): Tesfaye Beza
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Engagement, Governance, Youth Involvement, Report, Somalia, , East Africa, , Africa, English
Autor(es): DOS
Separadores: Youth Involvement, Rehabilitation and Reintegration, Radicalization and Deradicalization, Policy and Research, P/CVE Strategies, Governance, Engaging Women, Education, Community Policing, Policy, English
Autor(es): Anneli Botha & Mahdi Abdile
Separadores: Learn, Radicalization and Deradicalization, Governance, Education, Research study, English
Autor(es): Hedayah
Separadores: National Action Plans, Report, English
Autor(es): Global Solutions Exchange (GSX)
Separadores: Stakeholder Engagement, National Action Plans, Report, English
Autor(es): Felbab-Brown Vanda; Freeman Mark; O'Neil Siobhan; Revkin Mara; Salih Cale; Slye Ronald; Day Adam
Separadores: Governance, Rehabilitation and Reintegration, Report, English
Autor(es): Sebastien Feve; Mohamed Elshimi
Separadores: National Action Plans, Stakeholder Engagement, Report, English
Autor(es): Robinson Nicholas; Kelly Catherine Lena
Separadores: Governance, Report, English
Autor(es): Tesfaye Beza; McDougal T; Maclin B; Blum A
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Engagement, Education, Governance, Youth Involvement, Report, Somalia, , East Africa, , Africa, English