Exibindo 1 - 16 de 16
Autor(es): O'Donnell Michael
Separadores: Learn, Adaptive Management, Report, English
Autor(es): Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Working Group, International Development Partners Group, Nepal
Separadores: Assess, Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English
Autor(es): Hedayah
Separadores: Assess, Report, English
Autor(es): USAID
Separadores: Learn, Adaptive Management, Report, English
Autor(es): Herrington Rebecca
Separadores: Learn, Adaptive Management, Conflict Sensitivity, Stakeholder Engagement, Report, English
Autor(es): Kris Inman
Separadores: Assess, Report, English
Autor(es): Michelle Garred, Charlotte Booth and Kiely Barnard-Webster with major contributions from Nicole Goddard, Ola Saleh, Muzhda Azeez and Katarina Carlberg.
Separadores: Assess, Gender and Social Inclusion, Do No Harm, Report, English
Autor(es): International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)
Separadores: Assess, Rehabilitation and Reintegration, Engaging Women, Report, English
Autor(es): UNDP
Separadores: Assess, Assessments, Report, English
Autor(es): United Nations Peacebuilding; United Nations Kyrgyz Republic; PeaceNexus Foundation
Separadores: Learn, Report, Asia, , Central Asia, English
Separadores: Learn, Adaptive Management, Report, English
Autor(es): Valters Craig; Cummings Clare; Nixon Hamish
Separadores: Learn, Report, English
Autor(es): Jared Berenter
Separadores: Learn, Report, Asia, , Central Asia, , Pakistan, English
Autor(es): Alliance for Peacebuilding
Separadores: Learn, Adaptive Management, Report, English
Autor(es): Debra Ladner
Separadores: Learn, Report, English
Autor(es): Manju Thapa Tuladhar & Sabitra Dhakal
Separadores: Learn, Gender and Social Inclusion, Report, English