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Autor(es): Tesfaye Beza
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Engagement, Governance, Youth Involvement, Report, Somalia, , East Africa, , Africa, English
Autor(es): Southers Erroll; Hienz Justin
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Conflict-Aware Monitoring, Stakeholder Engagement, Report, United States, , North America, English
Autor(es): Reva Denys; Frank Cheryl; van Syl Isel
Separadores: Report, Uganda, , Tanzania, , Somalia, , Kenya, , East Africa, , Africa, English
Autor(es): Tesfaye Beza; McDougal T; Maclin B; Blum A
Separadores: Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Engagement, Education, Governance, Youth Involvement, Report, Somalia, , East Africa, , Africa, English